Posted by Tori on Jan 5, 2013 in a good word.

I love new beginnings, fresh starts, new days, but some something about lofty resolutions, goals, and vision statements for a new year have have always seemed way too daunting. It’s not that I don’t find value in these things. I do. But, for me, I think the main reason I’ve shied away from voicing my own “new year’s goals” is my own (sinful) fear of failure. I think I get nervous to share ideas and plans for fear that I’ll lose credibility when I don’t follow through. (Way to make it all about me, right?!) There’s a few things (well, a lot of things) wrong with this thinking. We should never act or make any decision out of fear. His Word makes it very clear that fear does not come from the Lord, and has no place occupying the thoughts of His followers. Also, whenever I try to do anything out of my own power and strength, it will lack His blessing, and eternal value. Only what is directed and accomplished through His Spirit will have those. So, it’s imperative that my heart beat as one with His. And if my goals are in line with what He has called me to do, I cannot fail. I may not achieve my idea of success, but whatever is placed completely in His hands, I can trust He will not waste.

Another popular thing to do at the beginning of a new year is to select a “one word” that describes the overarching theme of what you want to be about during that year. I like this idea a whole lot better.  So, I thought I would give it a try in 2013.

God is doing big things in and through His church in our generation. I have no idea what 2013 holds, but He does and He’s already doing work to prepare me for it. So, for this year, I want my life to be marked by a complete SURRENDER to Him. I don’t want to build my own kingdom, waste my time on anything that doesn’t honor Him, and I don’t want to miss what He wants to do in me.

Surrender is far from a passive rest, or a defeated throwing in the towel. It requires a constant realigning of ourselves with Him. It cannot be done apart from His Spirit. But, when we live and walk in surrender to Him, we are sure to fall more deeply in love with Him, and experience the abundance He desires for our lives. That’s what I want for 2013. A heart and life that belongs entirely to Him. For Him to use however He is pleased. Come, Lord, Jesus. Make this year one worthy of remembrance.

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