Posted by Tori on Mar 22, 2012 in a good word., family.

This week has been a whirlwind! I received a phone call on Sunday that my only living grandfather was unwell. Monday morning, I packed up the babes and headed to GA. When we arrived, I got a call that William’s great-grandmother had passed away. Thankfully, my grandfather was doing much better than I expected. We had a wonderful visit. I will never forget the beautiful moments he spent sitting next to my sweet Chelsea, stroking her hair and telling her how precious she is. Tuesday morning we packed up, ready to head back to Charleston. My plan was to leave by 10. 11 rolls around and we are finally loaded in the car and ready to head out. Then…traffic stopped as far as the eye can see. We took 1 hour to drive 4 miles. We finally make it home at the same time William does from work. We wake up early the next morning to drive to Columbia for his great-grandmother’s service and then we make it home again by 9:30 that night. In all of this chaos and traveling, the Lord provided a few much-needed quiet moments to speak into my heart.

My life and my moments are His. Far too often I get distracted and try to make them mine. That’s when all measure of stress, discontent, strife, bickering, and frustration come flooding in. It doesn’t matter that I wanted to leave by 10 and that we really left at 11 and then crept along at a snail’s pace for another hour. What matters is realizing that my time is His and spending it on what He desires. I’ve never been so thankful for a traffic jam.

I kept playing this song in my head over and over again this week.

I am so thankful for a legacy of family that has gone before me, carrying His name. I am thankful that because He lives, my earthly grief fades to the background and the foreground is filled with His glory and celebration of the hope we have in Him. Come, Lord Jesus! Capture every moment of my crazy day. Make it yours. Give me eyes to see eternity in each circumstance.

Jesus lives.

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